
Thank you Collabora

My interview with Collabora was cool and relaxed. It was over video conference, and I did it from the comfort of my sofa at home. The first call was with Neil, the engineering manager at the time, who was sitting somewhere outdoors in the UK. The second was with Sjoerd who is the core domain lead, and was calling from his place in the Netherlands. This looks very 2020, right? But these interviews took place in 2015, the year I started working from home. I was a PhD student in Paris when I did the interviews, and working for Collabora meant that I could choose where to live. I returned to Switzerland after my grand parents decided to leave Basel and Aargau to the excitement and adventures that Brazil offered in the 1950s. My father was born in Brazil, I was born in Brazil, but I moved back to Zug in 2016. While being able to choose where to live is powerful, this is not the best part of working for Collabora. Collabora is an open company, meaning that we have access to all info...

Using foam to reduce 3d printer noise

I reduced the amount of noise the printer transfers to the table, as the table was acting as a loud speaker amplifying all noises. The result was very good with noticeable improvement and with the printer sounding smoother, as if I've had lubricated it. One problem of using foam is that the printer bends to the heavier side requiring an extra conic piece of foam, as you can see on the right.

Composite material stress test: PET-G + Polyurethane foam

I found people doing lightweight and strong structures with very thin walls filled with expanding foam. See this post. I'm using a cylinder printed in black PETG with 0.4mm walls printed at 245C, 80mm of external diameter, 60mm internal diameter and 50mm height. The volume between the cylinders is approximately 93 ml, and each piece weights 14g~15g before adding foam. 0% infill with simple 0.4mm walls Each piece weights between 14g and 15g before adding the foam. The references I found online are for using professional polyurethane expanding foam made by combining two liquids. These are great for many reasons, one being that you can calculate the amount of foam to fill your pieces. I wanted to try polyurethane expanding foam found on the supermarket. I highly recommend using protection glasses and gloves. These are cheap and can be of great help when handling the messiness of these foams. Latex gloves are not a good choice as the cleaner dissolves the latex. I al...

Techsolo TN-100 Gigabit Express Card Performance on Linux

This devices are detected on Linux and work out of the box, but are slow and get very hot. Maximum performance is just a little bit more than 500 Mbps which is very poor. My guess is that the poor performance is caused by the PCI  and not PCIe chipset: VIA Velocity VT6122 So if you have a choice, keep away from these devices.

My router runs Fedora - Part 1

My principle of 2017 For me 2017 is going to be the first year of the dog food. Eating your own dog food, or simply dogfooding, is reference to a scenario in which one uses its own creation to test and promote it. Until 2016 I was way too focused of being user of state-of-the-art, and I missed many interesting adventures. Let me go and catch up with how things really works. Why start with my router? I love OpenWRT, I really do. But you know what I miss there? systemd... My job transformed my negative feelings about systemd into some love. I would do anything to be far away from systemd an year ago, but now I like it. systemd had the chance to start again, and leaving 40 years of bash hacks in the past is... awesome! For a long time I was using a $ 20 router . This was the device in which I learned how to use and love OpenWRT. The only limitation of this cheap router is the 100 Mbps Ethernet ports which is a problem for the 200 Mbps I get from my ISP. The natural choice f...

Swiss driving license exchange

For exchanging my Brazilian driving license for the Swiss one I needed to do a street test. The entire process is straightforward and efficient(The driving license arrived 48 hours after I passed the exam). There are many pointers of how the process works, so I'm not covering that in details. I think the only relevant detail is the canton: Zug. I have 15 years and 500.000+ km of driving experience, and I consider myself a very, very good driver. My "auto"-esteem is not related to agressive driving skills, but my focus on safety, understanding of the car, environmental awareness, and traffic flow. Just as an silly example, when I get a new car, I adjust the mirrors and do some experimenting to "see" in practice where the blind spots are on that car before I feel comfortable with the mirrors. I'm also on a lazy path to become an airline pilot, so I'm the guy really interested in the rules and what motivated them. I got my Swiss driving license on the f...


I was a customer from November 2008 to November 2015. When I joined, they offered great service for the price, but the price is not interesting for at least two years now. Besides some minor technical issues, the company lost a lot when it was sold, maybe more than once. In 2008 there was a good feeling that they cared about me, and that they were always innovating. This has gone for a long time. I've been avoiding to move to another provider because I was expecting a lot of pain. I don't have anything complex: 7 domains, and about 400 MB of static content. How to choose my next registrar and hosting provider? Gandi SAS is a sponsor of the Kernel Recipes , a Linux kernel conference that happens every year in Paris. But, besides sponsoring the event, they go to the conference, which offers me the chance to meet people who works for Gandi, and I met them many times there. About prices, was asking me € 157.54 ($ 172.66) to renew my hosting plan for...